The Maestro

Alan Stewart - or "The Maestro" as I like to call him - has released a new album of piano music.

Hanging out with Alan

Hanging out with Alan

Alan is an England-based physics teacher, but also a talented musician who has helped with my videos for many years. See some examples below.

(He's also the creator of Hello Internet's short "theme tune" that plays at the start of every episode)

The new album is called Sunsettlement - and Alan has posted it to YouTube.

But I'd also really encourage you to consider it on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, GooglePlay, Amazon, et al.

It's well worth your time - but also a great way to show some support for a great guy.

I listened to the whole album (twice) on a recent long-haul flight, and loved it.

To remind you of my work with Alan, here are some videos he contributed to:

And here's an interview video I did with Alan a while back...

Those links for Alan's new music: Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, GooglePlay, Amazon.