Videos of 2014

It's that time of year, when people post "best of 2014" lists, so here are some from me.

1. Cheeseburger in Acid (2012)
2. Cake Cutting
3. Minus a Tweflth
4. Chihuahua Bubbles
5. Dangerous Chemical (2012)

MOST WATCHED OF 2014 (that were uploaded in 2014)
1. Cake Cutting
2. Minus a Tweflth
3. Chihuahua Bubbles
4. Unlock Car with Brain
5. Pi is Beautiful

MOST ATTENTION (ie: total minutes watched)
1. Cake Cutting
2. Minus a Tweflth
3. Cheeseburger in Acid (2012)
4. Real Plutonium (2012)
5. Epic Circles