The Mistake on Page 453

I think I know how this stamp feels...

Let me explain.

Numberphile viewers will know Matt Parker, who is a regular presenter of our videos.

Matt released a book last year called Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension.

A new paperback edition has just ben released.

Matt phoned me the other day with good news and bad news.

Good news: he'd inserted an acknowledgement to me and Numberphile in the new edition.

I find it annoying when people say they're "humbled" - so let me say I was honoured.

But I was about to find out I had indeed been humbled too.

Although Matt supplied the publisher with my correct name (he says), an editor had changed Brady to Bradley!

Guess I'm not exactly a household name! :)

Matt and I laughed at the mistake and he said it would be changed in future print runs.

But we now have a batch of unknown quantity in circulation containing an acknowledgement to Bradley Haran.

Brady and Matt

Brady and Matt

After initially being disappointed, I saw this as a rare item and an opportunity!

I will auction a special edition of the book, signed by Matt.... And signed by me as "Bradley".

Rest assured I will not be making a habit of this, so this is a rare object, much like the Inverted Jenny stamp above.


All funds raised will be given to the Cransley Hospice, which does a magnificent job caring for people in Northamptonshire and who have helped my family tremendously in recent weeks.

If you don't want the book, but just want to donate to the hospice, here's a link.

(FULL DISCLOSURE: The publishers of Matt's book have paid for an advertisement on the Numberphile website during July - this was agreed in June and is unrelated to this post or my name being mis-spelled.)