Quarantine Diary 8.1
(Half Way There)

15 September 2020

Tuesday morning marked the half-way point of my 14-day quarantine.

I filmed below my balcony, capturing Hindmarsh Square throughout the morning.

My hope was to catch the arrivals from the same Singapore Airlines flight that brought me in exactly a week ago.

I’m assuming that coach at 0’28” in this video was a few of these arrivals, but only a handful of people disembarked?

An even emptier flight than mine?

Or perhaps people were taken to a different hotel because this one was full? I’m aware there’s a second overspill hotel. That seems most likely.

You may also note the nearest quandrant of Hindmarsh Square is fenced off to the public. I assume the people using it are hotel staff, giving them an outside space to use without breaching the seal.

Everything else today was highly typical, keeping the rhythm of quarantine life - food deliveries, rubbish collection, a police visit, a nurse phone call.

There are few surprises when you’re confined to a 12th-floor hotel room.

My parents have been in touch every day, looking forward to seeing me and perhaps worried for my sanity (because they rarely call so often at normal times!)

This evening I also posted an Unmade Podcast episode (episode 60) that was recorded the previous Monday evening. Quarantine means I can turn these around more quickly.

I’ve also noted that recording with Tim in the same city has greatly reduced the Facetime audio lag (which means less cross-speaking and also speeds up editing)!!!

Before this had even been released, Tim and I recorded another episode for publication in the next day or two.

Keeping busy down the home straight.