Superjeep and Thórsmörk

Thórsmörk is a valley running alongside the edge of the mighty volcano Eyjafjallajökull.

Eyjafjallajökull is best known as the volcano which belched so much ash in 2010 that most of the world’s planes were grounded.

Things are more serene now and Thórsmörk is a gorgeous area for hiking and sight-seeing.

However many of its roads are criss-crossed by creeks and rivers, so the best way to get around is in a superjeep (a four-wheel-drive vehicle with oversized tyres which can be deflated for driving through water and across snow).


Our guide for the day, Omar, attached small hoses to each tyre so he could inflate and deflate the tyres on-the-move.


This view (below) of the glacier spilling off Eyjafjallajökull was fantastic - and was previously the site of a glacial lake which vanished after the 2010 eruption.

There were plenty of great stops and mini hikes along the valley.


Our favourite being this gorgeous canyon (below) culminating with a hidden waterfall, accessible only by clambering into a boulder-strewn cave.


And yet more waterfalls, including the picturesque Seljalandsfoss which melts from Eyjafjallajökull’s mighty glacier and then spills off the edge of the volcano.

A path runs behind the waterfall, creating one of Iceland’s great Instagram sites!


But wear your waterproofs.
